
Attention of the new-coming students!

The University dormitory is fully booked. The accommodation is provided in the low budget hotels and hostels equipped with the same facilities for the same prices, and in the local host families. Important information for students coming in the period from September, 1 to November, 30: the accommodation fee has to be paid starting from the booking date or estimated date of arrival. Please check the dates of your arrival to avoid extra expenses.


Accomodation in a host family for 1 month and more  (valid from December 2008)



price for one person per week / per day

for 1 person

breakfast + supper

210 USD    /     30 USD




for 1 person


182 USD     /     26 USD

Accomodation less than 15 days

for 1 person

breakfast + supper

35 USD per a day

Accomodation in exceptional cases, if it's possible

for 1 person


400 USD per month *




*- Accomodation less then 15 days - 800 roubles per day

*- Accomodation more then 15 days, but  less then month - price for month

Accomodation in a dormitory (low budget hotel or hostel)



price for 1 person 

double-triple room


200 USD

per month

Accomodation less then 1 month - 20 USD per day
Note: According to an abrupt  dollar rate changing, the prices updating is possible.


In University dormitories No1,2,3 (or similar low budget hotel and hostel)

You can book a bedroom or a shared room in the University dormitory. The cost depends on the size of the room.
Please be informed that the choice of rooms depends on their availability at the time of your arrival and you will be informed about the number of your room on your arrival to the dormitory.

The university dormitory has all the necessary facilities and services. The rooms are furnished and some of them provided with telephone lines. Each block of adjacent rooms has a mini-kitchen with a refrigerator and an electric cooker. Bedding is provided. There are cafeterias on the ground floor.

The address is:
20 ulitsa Korablestroiteley (Vasilievsky Ostrov)
St. Petersburg 199226


To get to the dormitory from the airport you should take the following public transport: first you take a bus No. 13 to get to "Moskovskaya" underground station, then get to "Primorskaya" underground station (by metro), from "Primorskaya" station take a bus No. 7 or commercial small buses No.248, 362 which go directly to the dormitory.

Dormitory No4

You can reserve:

  • a shared room;


All the rooms are double-placed. Lavatory is in each room. Please be informed that the choice of rooms depends on their availability at the time of arrival.

The address is:
Vasilievsky Ostrov, Shevchenko str, 25, b.1.
(The room number will be known upon your arrival.)

In the dormitory you can check in from Monday through Sunday at any time.
The Dormitories are not far from the University (a 15-20 minute ride by bus or trolley) on Vassilievsky Island near the Gulf of Finland.

While in St.Petersburg, you will make use of the public municipal transportation system (the metro, buses, trolleybuses and trams) as well as commercial transportation (large and small buses). The cost of each trip is not dependent on the distance traveled. One trip by municipal transportation costs 20 roubles, while one trip by commercial transportation costs 20-28 roubles.

Dormitory  reservation process

NB! Please provide us with you arrival details as least in two weeks in advance to avoid any settling problems in the Dormitory. The accomodation fee has to be paid starting from the booking date or estimated date of arrival.

With a Russian family

To avoid any settlement problems in the Dormitory and to make your arrival and stay in St. Petersburg more comfortable and pleasant we are offering you an alternative accommodation which we can fully guarantee - one of our host families. Most of the families live near or not very far from the university, at Vasilievsky Ostrov. It is a large district, and the part where the University is situated belongs to the city centre. We have long-established contacts with several Russian families who have proved to be hospitable, friendly, and reliable. The families are chosen taking into account personal qualities as well as housing conditions. They provide all necessary facilities and a separate room for a student. Specific conditions of your accommodation with a host family are agreed upon in advance (via e-mail).

The living conditions in a family.

Obligatory services given to the students for basic fee:

  • separate room;
  • meals (breakfast+supper) if it is foreseen be the accommodation outline;
  • change linen and towels;
  • use of kitchen only in the bounds of agreement with the hostess.

According to the agreement with the hostess plus for the extra fee (pre-payment):

  • laundry;
  • use of everyday machines (washing machine, refrigerator, TV etc.)
  • international phone calls.

Please, note that you have guests only with the hostess permission and agreement.

Rented apartment

The rent depends on the location and the conveniences there are and includes a fee to the real estate agency. An apartment with one or two rooms now costs from $300 and higher (the agent's commissions - 100% of a monthly rate - is not included).
We regret to say it is hardly possible to rent an apartment without you being in St.Petersburg: first, you will need to have a look at an apartment and decide if it is suitable, and second, the rent and agency fee must be paid immediately before occupying.
We would like to offer you homestay, dormitory accommodation just for the first days of your stay in St.Petersburg and find an apartment in about a week after your arrival. When you are here, our representative can contact an agency and help you rent an apartment. You will be able to have a look at apartments and choose the most suitable.
In case we find an apartment without an agency by the time of your arrival, we will inform you immediately.

At a hotel

The cost of a room depends on the quality of the hotel. We need to know what is preferable. Please make your choice so that we can reserve a room for you.
We hope it will be possible to arrange accommodation for you in accordance with your request.


Students can make use of campus cafeterias, which offer cheap meals.
Also students can use our University cafeterias which are in both buildings of our Faculty.


There are several internet clubs or cafeterias in the university district.
Here are some links:
"Arctica" internet cafe, 24 hours 
Vasilijevsky Ostrov
"Primorskaja" metro station
ulica Berenga, 38
tel: 352 09 77
For our foreign students the internet cafe offers
discounts till 30% for internet use.

"" internet studio, 10.00 - 22.00
Vasilijevsky Ostrov, "Vasilijostrovskay" metro station, 6 Line,27
tel: 327 19 78

More details for your accomodation you can see here: