Igor A. Pozdnyakov, Ph.D. (in History)

Educational background:

1993 - Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of History of Saint Petersburg State University;

1996 - Institute of Foreign Languages of Capital Normal University (Beijing, China).

Teaching, Working and Research Experience:

1994-1996 – Capital Normal University (Beijing, China): lecturer of Russian History and Russian Studies for Chinese students;

1994 - 1996 – Researcher in the state archives of The People's Republic of China and The Hoover Archives at Stanford University (USA);

1997-2000 – The Russian Academy of Sciences, saint petersburg Branch of The Institute of Russian History: Junior Research Fellow;

1998-2003 – The Herzen University International School, The Saint Petersburg International School: lecturer of Russian History for foreigners, Deputy Director for additional educational programmes, Deputy Director for international relations, Head of branch in the Czech Republic;

2003-2009 – Head of Foreign Students Preliminary Education Department of Saint Petersburg State University;

2009-2010 - Head of International Relations Division of The Faculty of Philology and Arts of Saint Petersburg State University, Deputy Director for Development of Russian Language and Culture Institute;

2010 - Head of Division of Educational and Research Programmes in Russian as a Foreign Language of Saint Petersburg State University.

Foreign Languages: Chinese, English

Key publications: Pozdnyakov, I., From China to America: historical-anthropological view of the Russian Emigration (1920-1950). St.Petersburg, 2007. - 368 P.